How much do I make for a session?
All tutors will retain 80% of their posted hourly rate for standard sessions.
How are tutors paid?
Once payment is received for a session, tutors will be paid through Zelle. Tutors must make sure that the phone number they use for Zelle matches the one on their profile.
Do I need to have a Zelle account in order to get paid for a session I tutored?
Yes. At this time, Zelle is the only method of payment used to issue tutors payment. Most major banks have them implemented in their mobile banking and only require you to enable the feature. Please make sure that your phone number is linked to the account.
How long will it take to get paid for a session?
We hope to have tutors paid within 72 hours of a session. If for some reason, it takes longer, please know you will be paid as soon as possible.
Can a student directly pay me for a session?
No. All session payments must go through Takavi Tutors for security and compliance reasons. If a tutor starts accepting payments directly, their account will be restricted and no further business will be referred to them. NOTE: This process is also to protect against online tutoring scams. Scammers, pretending to be students, can take advantage of a tutor by offering cash/check in advance for sessions and pretend that there was an overpayment as an error. Tutors trying to pay back the extra money, lose their own money in the process because the money sent from the scammers comes from sources like a closed account, a stolen credit card, or a fake check etc.
How can I check to see if I received payment for a session?
Please visit the “Payment History” section for all details. We also notify via Zelle, if text notifications are enabled on your phone.
Can tutors receive tips for tutoring?
Yes. A student/parent can add a tip when a session is completed.