What is the tax center?
This is the place that has all the documents we provide you with for filing your income Tax return with the IRS.
Why was I asked to provide my Social Security Number?
This may be needed for a background check or to send you tax forms.
Will I receive a W-2 form for tutoring for Takavi Tutors?
No. You are not an employee of Takavi Tutors. You are considered an independent freelance tutor and you will be receiving a 1099-NEC form as per the law.
Why was I sent a W-9 form?
This is to make sure all your information we are sending the IRS is legal and correct.
Why did I receive a 1099-NEC form?
As an independent freelance tutor, if you make $600 or more in a year, we are required by law to send you the 1099-NEC form.
When will I receive my W-9 form and when do I need to send back the information by?
We will send you the form through the platform to be completed/updated by December 31st of that year. You will have seven days to complete and upload.
When will I receive my 1099-NEC form?
All 1099-NEC forms will be sent out by January 31st. This will be an e-delivery with an encrypted password. You will be notified via email when your tax form is ready.